Everyday Communications

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Everyday Communications

The Power of a Question

Have you ever noticed how powerful a question can be? A question can elicit more than just a response containing helpful information. An inquiry can prompt self-examination and draw out deep things within a person’s heart. Asking also demonstrates respect for people...

Our Words Matter

Years ago, my heart broke upon hearing that a relative had spoken unkindly to another member of my family.  I knew how badly those words could damage my loved one’s soul.  I felt completely helpless at the time, so I prayed.  “God, how can I stop this person from...

A Beloved Bride

Whether you are single, engaged, or married today, you are a beloved bride if you believe in Christ. The One who is faithful and true has chosen, pursued, and asked you to unite with Him. When you said “yes,” you became His forever. What an incredible bridegroom...

A Merry Mouth

I know it’s only January, but I already miss hearing “Merry Christmas.” This cheerful greeting brings a smile to people’s faces, even if they are shivering from winter’s cold weather or frustrated from waiting in long lines at a store.  These two simple words remind...

What is Written

The most powerful spoken and written messages consist of select words, ordered in a particular way. Too many words can bore the audience. Wrong or misplaced words can lead to confusion and miscommunication. But just the right words can transform lives. While writing a...