Resources for Healing

“I could have accepted the prognosis of a condition that would only get worse, but because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I hoped for a better outcome. I took steps forward and became strengthened instead of disabled. I experienced emotional, physical, and spiritual healing that I did not even know I needed. I finally realized how important my well-being is for fulfilling my destiny.”

~ Michelle Marie Hernandez

michelle marie hernandez

Free Ebook 

Are you weary from struggling with the disappointment and pain that accompany autoimmune conditions? Do you need comfort, healing, and refreshment? If so, you have come to the right place.

My prayer is that you will find hope and healing through the words I share. May you gain wisdom to guide you on your path. And may courage and strength fill you, so you can keep going. 

When you sign up for my newsletter, you will receive a free copy of my ebook, “Help for the Hurting: A Reflective Journal for People with Autoimmune Conditions.”

Fill out the form below, and I’ll send you your free ebook.

Help for the hurting, a journal for people with autoimmune conditions

Michelle’s Story

I have always loved reading. But in 2004, I realized I had not read enough of what became the most important book in my life—the Bible. Healing began to take place as I read and abided in the life-changing and life-giving words of the Bible.

Not long after, I responded to God’s call to write and speak. Doors had opened for me to teach adult Bible studies at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. I had written some teaching curriculum for a minister and was editing a book for another minister. I had taken on a new assignment as Assistant Director of Data Services at Lakewood Church. I was helping to oversee daily operations and enhance the team’s communications by creating a written manual and a training program.

I had discovered my purpose and was well on my way to achieving it when a physical illness threatened to stop me. I had experienced intermittent symptoms over the years, but in 2007, I faced a sudden onset of extreme pain, fatigue, and muscle weakness. A rheumatologist diagnosed my condition as an undifferentiated connective tissue disease, which can develop into a more specific autoimmune disease like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Other diagnoses soon followed including allergies, anxiety, fertility issues, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

I could have accepted the prognosis of a condition that would only get worse, but because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I hoped for a better outcome. I took steps forward and became strengthened instead of disabled. I experienced emotional, physical, and spiritual healing that I did not even know I needed. I finally realized how important my well-being is for fulfilling my destiny.

I love telling others about my journey to better health and wholeness. I feel compelled to share the wisdom I have gained about healing and spiritual growth. I hope my story helps promote the well-being of others, so we can all mature and function as God designed us to. 

Healing Bible Study

Healing One Step at a Time: Progressing on the Journey to Health and Wholeness

Are you struggling with the challenges that come with autoimmune conditions? Do you need comfort, guidance, and refreshment for your weary soul? If so, this Bible study is for you. The hope and truth you find will encourage and strengthen you to take steps on your journey to health and wholeness.

Please contact Michelle to schedule this Bible study at your church, online, or with a small group. Each Bible study class includes teaching, discussion, and prayer. The study may be held on a weekly or monthly basis.  

Blog Articles on Healing 

Getting Outside Through Images and Words

Images and words are powerful. Both help me get outside when environmental allergies keep me inside. For example, a scenic drive and a good book enabled me to enjoy a trip to the park with my family even when tree pollen abounded. The full story is available to read...

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What’s Spoiling My Food

Food allergies can make eating tough at times. So can other things like spoiled food, distractions, mistakes, and inclement weather. In my latest article, I share how I experienced all of these challenges in just one week! You can read the full article, "More Than...

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Janice Thompson Shares About Baking with Food Allergies

My friend Janice, an author and baker, is allergic to pumpkin and ginger among other foods. I asked Janice how these food allergies have impacted her baking endeavors. She shared some insightful stories and tips from her journey in "Baking with Food Allergies:...

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Staying United When Allergies Impact Your Marriage

I thought I had ruined a romantic moment recently when my husband asked if he could light a candle while I was cooking breakfast. I quickly said, "I am allergic to soy, and most candles irritate my throat and make me cough." You can read what happened next in my...

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What People Are Saying

“Since Michelle first came to my church in 2010, I have watched her story unfold. I know few people her age who have experienced such a difficult physical journey. However, Michelle’s story is not centered on the connective tissue disease that has caused her extreme pain and fatigue but on how God worked a determination in her to triumph over this autoimmune condition rather than drown in self-pity. Through extensive research and revelation from God on how to stay well, she has achieved the impossible and today maintains an active writing and speaking career. Her story is amazing—well worth being recorded for those on a similarly difficult journey. Michelle is proof that we can live fulfilling and rewarding lives to the glory of God despite chronic illness.”
– Kathy Zrubek, Area Director, Community Bible Study 

“The work of Michelle’s hands and mouth for the Kingdom of God are powerful, uplifting, and definitely thought-provoking. She inspires all of us to be “healed” and to be “healers” of one another by living our lives in such a way that the world will know the One who is truly the Great Physician, Jesus. Michelle’s sincerity of heart shines through all her words of wisdom!”
– Rev. Linda V. Chandler, pastor of Austin Brethren Church and founder/CEO of HOST Ministries