What a Life-Changing Day
Michelle Marie Hernandez
March 28, 2016
What a Life-Changing Day


I had waited practically my whole life to get married. Shortly after I turned thirty-seven, my special day finally arrived. What a life-changing day!

Marriage affects every aspect of our life, and adjusting to all the change takes time and effort. In the first year, I learned some valuable lessons that will surely continue to help me in this new season of my life—one destined to last the remainder of my days on this earth. If you are married, engaged, or desiring to wed, may the wisdom contained in the words below guide you as well.

  • Remember God’s purpose for our marriage. God created marriage to reflect the unconditional love He has for His church. He deemed marriage good, and it in fact helps bring out the good in us. Every day, we have countless opportunities to express unlimited love to our spouse.
  • Keep our promises. At the altar, we promised to love, honor, and cherish one another forever—in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. When we continually do this in spite of what the other person has done or how we feel on any given day, it strengthens our marriage. What a tangible reminder of our covenant and our faithfulness in fulfilling it all the days of our life.
  • Embrace our differences. God made men and women different in more ways than one. Our habits and opinions may be totally opposite, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are wrong. I’ve come to like some towels rolled and some towels folded in a square—as long as they are lying side by side.
  • Focus on our strengths. Noticing each other’s weaknesses may come naturally, but focusing on our strengths benefits us more in the long run. God’s power is made perfect in our weakness, and sometimes that power comes through the strength of our spouse. Turning our attention to what each person excels in and how we complement one another helps us remain grateful and humble.
  • Change together. Marriage changes us instantly as well as over time. God does a transformative work through holy matrimony. He invites us to partner with Him in perhaps one of the greatest miracles of all—the two becoming one.

My life changed the day I married my husband. Now I am his, and he is mine. What’s more, God is shaping us into a beautiful, brilliant display of His amazing love.