On this National Stepfamily Day, I simply enjoyed our stepfamily. I did all my usual daily activities: praying, writing, cooking breakfast, and homeschooling. After lunch, I baked some chocolate chip cookies. Although I started to make the cookies just because, they turned out to be a timely and delicious treat on this special holiday.
My young son and I added ingredients to the bowl one at a time. When my son found the dough hard to stir, he handed the spoon to me. Mixing everything together stirred up some unexpected memories. I recalled some of my past efforts to help “blend” my stepfamily.
In the first year of my marriage, I ordered a chocolate chip cookie cake to celebrate our new family on National Stepfamily Day. I cooked special meals and organized fun activities in other years. And I always prayed.
Lord, thank you for my husband, my children, and my grandchildren.
Open my eyes to see each of them the way You see them.
Help me to accept, cherish, and love my stepfamily like You do.
Shape me into the wife, mother, stepmother, and grandmother you called me to be.
Just like the eggs, flour, and other ingredients in the cookies, each member of our stepfamily went through a blending. I certainly felt pressed and tossed at times. The experience no doubt changed us all. Yet, each of us remained unique and special just as God created us to be.
Together, my husband, children, grandchildren, and I form a one-of-a-kind picture of something God treasures: family. Our stepfamily is part of God’s larger family. Through our shared lives, we get to show the world God’s forgiveness, grace, and unconditional love.
Our story brings hope to others who may feel broken, discouraged, or fearful. We have faced loss and difficulties too. But God has carried us through every challenge. We remain standing together today, reflecting God’s glory and goodness.
More than seven years have passed since I made the commitment to become part of a stepfamily through marriage. And now I have the pleasure of simply enjoying our stepfamily. I delight in who we are individually and together as well as where we are on our journey.
I am so grateful for the stepfamilies who have gone before us and now share their wisdom to help guide us. I appreciate those who take time to recognize and honor stepfamilies and their unique challenges. And I am pleased to join others in offering support to the women, men, and children who comprise these specially blended families.
Whether you are part of a stepfamily, know someone in a stepfamily, or minister to stepfamilies, I would love to hear from you. What kinds of things have you done to acknowledge National Stepfamily Day?